Caravan Megastore is the trading name of Renishaw Caravan Accessories. Renishaw Caravan Accessories has one of the largest awning showrooms in the UK and a wide range of caravan accessories and outdoor leisure equipment.
Milenco Limited is the worlds market leading manufacturer of award winning, towing mirrors, high security caravan wheelclamps, hitchlocks, caravanning steps and levels. Milenco also produces a wide range of quality accessories for all your caravanning and motorhome use.
At last a blind spot mirror that is legal and conforms to current standards!
This utilises the proven Aero clamping system in a permanant form, so it fits ALL vehicles.
This is a Class 4 and Class 5 blind spot / wide angle / close proximity mirror conforming to directive EC2003/97 and UN46.02.
Please Note:- Does not fit MERCEDES GL.
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SKU: 3100
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