Caravan Megastore is the trading name of Renishaw Caravan Accessories. Renishaw Caravan Accessories has one of the largest awning showrooms in the UK and a wide range of caravan accessories and outdoor leisure equipment.
Milenco Limited is the worlds market leading manufacturer of award winning, towing mirrors, high security caravan wheelclamps, hitchlocks, caravanning steps and levels. Milenco also produces a wide range of quality accessories for all your caravanning and motorhome use.
In 2007 Milenco Limited re-wrote the book on towing mirrors, when they launched the award winning Aero Towing Mirror.
The Aero Mirror offered unrivalled stability at very high towing speeds.
It was also the first mirror to meet the new pedestrian safety standards and the new European standards.
The Grand Aero Mirror offers all the benefits of the original Aero Mirror, plus the maximum view possible, combined with very high stability.
As you would expect from Milenco, this is a very high quality product, manufactured with the best materials available.
The clamping screws are stainless steel and turn in brass inserts, which will never corrode, and the mirror is fitted with chrome safety glass.
The head is the largest ever used on a caravan towing mirror, and has been specifically designed extremely stable, with the shape enabling you to see far past your caravan and cars in all three lanes on the motorway.
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SKU: 2073
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