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Caravan Megastore is the trading name of Renishaw Caravan Accessories. Renishaw Caravan Accessories has one of the largest awning showrooms in the UK and a wide range of caravan accessories and outdoor leisure equipment.


Milenco Limited is the worlds market leading manufacturer of award winning, towing mirrors, high security caravan wheelclamps, hitchlocks, caravanning steps and levels. Milenco also produces a wide range of quality accessories for all your caravanning and motorhome use.


A major issue for any caravan user is the risk of caravan wheels working loose and detaching from the vehicle, resulting in potential catastrophic damage or severe injury.


This is an essential piece of safety equipment for anybody who tows or drives a recreational vehicle.  This enables the user to correctly torque the caravan wheels to the manufacturers specification and to maintain that torque at the correct level to prevent the wheel nuts or bolts working loose.


Supplied with wheel nut indicators, when attached these give a visual indication if any wheel nuts have worked loose.

Milenco Caravan Torque Wrench Safety Kit

SKU: 2868
    • Torque Wrench
    • Correctly sized caravan wheel nut sockets
    • Extension Bar
    • 20 Wheel Nut Indicators 

Our Address

Eldon Street
Clay Cross
S45 9PE

Contact Us

Tel: 01246 824140

Fax: 01246 824141

Mobile: 07734531868



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