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The Milenco original wheelclamp is UK manufactured and a favourite among caravanners for the past decade due to its exceptional resistance to attack and ease of use. With a pick-proof lock and designed to resist attacks by sawing and freezing, this wheel clamp far exceeds Sold Secure Gold standards. It has been independently attack tested and approved by Europe's most demanding test centre, The Dutch Road Research Institute TNO and is approved to SCM MP03 - the world's highest accredited standard for caravan security.

Since its initial development, the pick-proof locking mechanism has been re-engineered to make the wheelclamp even easier to line up, meaning that it is even quicker and easier to fit.
Suitable for alloy or steel wheels, all Milenco Wheel Clamps have a foam backing on the main body to protect alloy wheels.

Exceptional security - tested to exceed Sold Secure Gold standard
Re-engineered locking mechanism makes the wheelclamp simple to fit
Resistant to attacks by sawing,

Milenco Original Wheelclamp C14

SKU: 0871

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