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Caravan Megastore is the trading name of Renishaw Caravan Accessories. Renishaw Caravan Accessories has one of the largest awning showrooms in the UK and a wide range of caravan accessories and outdoor leisure equipment.


Milenco Limited is the worlds market leading manufacturer of award winning, towing mirrors, high security caravan wheelclamps, hitchlocks, caravanning steps and levels. Milenco also produces a wide range of quality accessories for all your caravanning and motorhome use.


We conducted studies on the available Noseweight Gauges and at best found them only accurate within 12kilos but more concerning is that we found these Noseweight Gauges often became ridiculously inaccurate with use. The Milenco Precision Calibrated Noseweight Gauge has been manufactured using unique materials so that its calibration remains accurate even after 1000 uses.


Other Noseweight Gauges can be up to 30 kilos out after 1000 uses. Another improvement we have made is that the scale is much clearer and goes up to 130kilo's and are accurate to within 2kilo's (as required by BS7691) Further improvements include the fact we made the Noseweight Gauge the same height as your caravan, so you do not need to block it up to use it. We know this Gauge costs a few pounds more, but you are getting real value for money and something that works correctly, exactly to the standard.

Milenco Precision Calibrated Noseweight Gauge

SKU: 2691

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    Eldon Street
    Clay Cross
    S45 9PE

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